What better way to say what you mean with your own text put on your mouthguard! You can choose up to 6 letters to be printed on your mouth guard in a range of colours; Black, White, Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Gold or Silver to best suit the colour mouthguard you choose.
Custom Made Dentist Fit Mouthguards are high quality custom made mouthguards. Available in a two thicknesses to ensure comfort, design and more importantly ultimate protection. These mouthguards are completely handmade which means you get the highest standard mouthguard out there without having to go to a dentist, with a perfect fit to your teeth and gums. The custom fit mouthguard comes complete with everything you need to create your bespoke gumshield.
The kit includes:
• Impression putty (2 x colour, 2 x white)
• 2 impression trays (for fit purposes)
• Instruction guide
• Impression medical bag
• Return mailing bag (with free post label)
4mm - This is the correct thickness of protection for anybody under the age of 16 and also for sports where the head is NOT in direct contact.
5mm - We recommend a 5mm mouthguard for athletes where the sport is potentially high impact (such as Hockey) or where the head IS in direct contact (ie boxing, MMA).
All mouthguards will be manufactured in approximately 14 days upon receipt of impressions. Place your completed impression in the enclosed medical bag and return it to us along with all used and unused items (putty tubs, impression trays etc.). Fill in your name, delivery address, date of birth and reference number on the medical bag.
Free post - There are no postal charges to send off your impression.
Please Note: The impression technique is unsuitable for those who have bridgework, for those who are undergoing fixed orthodontic treatment, or for children who have milk or loose teeth. (Usually we recommend that children under the age of 9 are not suitable for the product). If a tooth is loose, it is advisable to delay taking the impression until the loose tooth is no longer present. We also recommend that in order to achieve the ideal impression that minors are supervised by an adult at all times. Please ensure that the putties are kept at room temperature before use (ideally between 18 - 24 degrees Celsius).
As this product is custom made to order it is unfortunately non-returnable